
ulm  -  occasion - CH77 - ulm multiaxes occasion
ulm occasion  -  - CH77 ulm occasion  -  - CH77 ulm occasion  -  - CH77 ulm occasion  -  - CH77 ulm occasion  -  - CH77

Descriptif de l'auteur :

Very nice CH77 Ranabot, the best one on the market! Airframe Serial nbr: 78. Engine: Epapower SA-R917Ti, Serial Nr: 63, Power 135 hp. Fresh 5 year inspection and 200 hour inspection , all SB done, the helicopter is now upgraded to the latest technology and corresponds to a new CH77 helicopter. Everything was done professionaly at Helisport Italy in march 2024. In total I invested Eur 29, 500. Can be viewed in EDRM (Germany) LFJY, or in Villanova d'Asti Italy ( (at the Moment still with Heli-Sport in Villanova d'Asti Italy) after the overhaul as listed above. I'm the second owner. No accident. Fuel 65 lt. Flown regularly. Transponder Trig TT22 Mode S Radio Becker AR6201 8, 33 kHz (F-JCXN) Flybox EPA Power Motec 125 Engine monitoring system with fuel level monitoring camera. Heating. 12 V sockets for additional equipment in the cockpit. Ground handling wheels. Always kept in hangar and fully covered, original cover set (fuselage and rotors). Trailer included ( Custom made for CH77 ). Dual controls. Strobe light. Registered in French ultralight category. Class 6.

Etat : Très bon - Année : 2018 - Heures : 173
Parachute :non
Radio : oui
Transpondeur : rot
Pays :
Département : [les annonces dans le département 205]
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Ref : 23569
Déposée le : 4/30/2024
Marque : Heli-Sport
Modèle : CH77 Ranabot
Pays : AA
Département : 205
Qui :

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